Nov 17, 2024
Writing from the Outside In at Jack London State Historic Park

Join author, scientist, and long-time guide Rebecca Lawton to write poetry in the open air on Oona-pais (Sonoma Mountain). After setting up a base in the garden behind Jack Londons cottage, each participant will take a short field exploration with a notebook in hand. After independently gathering field data and inspiration, the group will reconvene at the garden for further instruction and writing fueled by their field trips. Conversation and optional sharing will follow.
Rebecca Lawtons ten books and numerous essays, poems, and stories have won a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair, Nautilus Book Award, and many other honors. She has published in Audubon, Orion, Sierra, and other publications. She holds a Masters in Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Mills College, has taught widely, and lives and writes in Sonoma Valley.
Participants should bring a pen and notebook (or plenty of paper on a clipboard). Wear sturdy shoes and dress in layers. Binoculars, hand lenses, or other field tools are welcome but not required.
Event Time
Nov 17, 2024
10:00:00 - 12:00:00
Writing from the Outside In at Jack London State Historic Park